We saw a machine that was vending which served ice cream by using coins that were in the park

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The site of the store decides the operation of the store to a very large extent except for Coin-operated ice cream machines. A thorough study of the area of the store will enable you to reap the benefits of favorable location and harmonious people and earn a variety of cash mcdonald's soft serve price. Where can I earn money from the ice cream machine that is operated by coins? machine?

One of the factors for the placement of a coin operated ice cream machine adequate flow of passengers and gathering.

Where there is a lot of traffic, there are more concealed customers. Generally speaking, coin operated ice cream machines are suitable for beautiful spots and commercial areas as well as shopping areas and beaches, for example. this location continues to be visited by certain people, and are a place to rest. A majority of them are the category of consumers who are pure. These customers are able to earn more money! In addition, the rental in the industrial park isn't too high and the number of visitors is steady which makes it more suitable for coin-operated ice cream machines.

The third reason for the location of coin operated ice cream machines is the enhancement of speed and convenience.

Compared with stores with a cash register, the most notable benefit of a an ice cream machine operated by coins is that it can also move within 100 metres of the area needed by customers. Additionally, it makes it easy for consumers to get their items as close as is possible. Tourist locations, schools, hospitals as well as outpatient clinics and waiting rooms, offices and more. All of them are fine.

The third reason for the location of the coin operated ice cream machine is place where the customer stays for a lengthy period.

In children's play areas or waiting hall, in snack street, large shopping malls, and many other places where we spend several hours, are more prone to needing entertainment, leisure, as well as health drinks. These places are more likely to generate the desire and interest to purchase.

Additionally, the setting and positioning of equipment needs to be in the realm of business within our ability in order to determine the timing and cost of making goods for each equipment.

Notes for site selection inspection of an ice cream machine operated by coin and other stores

1. Passenger flow number and the percentage of holiday, daily, day and night contacts.

2. Traffic volume Total traffic flow of motorcycles and vehicles.

3. Transportation vehicles that will likely to be modified at this point and in the future.

4. The length of the main road, and parking problems.

5. Regional characteristics market competition stores and stores that complement each other finance companies, culture and art as well as leisure and entertainment equipment, etc.

6. Population survey total population and consumption habits in the area.

7 soft ice cream machine maker. Survey of the Business Circle key and and secondary business circle categories, pricing and rental.

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